Klipper Mainsail / Ender 3 Pro / Sprite Extruder

Quick guide and notes to myself on how to configure Klipper Mainsail for Ender 3 Pro.

You can get klipper here – https://github.com/th33xitus/kiauh

After Klipper is installed, the next step is to configure it for the 3D printer.

Download a printer.cfg template for your printer at –

For a 4.2.2 board, use the settings below (this is at the top of printer.cfg)

# This file contains pin mappings for the stock 2020 Creality Ender 3
# Pro with the 32-bit Creality 4.2.2 board. To use this config, during
# "make menuconfig" select the STM32F103 with a "28KiB bootloader" and
# serial (on USART1 PA10/PA9) communication.

Run the kiauh script to configure the firmware for the correct MCU board that controls the printer

cd ~ && ./kiahu/kiahu.sh

Choose number 4 for advanced

Then 4 again for [Build + Flash]

MCU architecture = STMicroelectronics STM32

Processor Model = (STM32F103)

Bootloader offset = 28KiB bootloader

Then press escape and Y to quit and save

Transfer the bin file using WinSCP

Find the klipper.bin file in ~/klipper/out/klipper.bin

Then flash the firmware to the 3D printer. Shut off the 3D printer. Copy the bin file to the SD card and insert the SD card into the MCU. Then boot up the printer.

Then plug in the printer to klipper and run the command below to find the serial ID

ls /dev/serial/by-id/*

Copy and paste the output to printer.cfg in the [mcu] section, then save and restart